From the Armand Diaries, July 13, 1948. Note: Geefer is Armand's mother and Mary is his wife:
Philosophy Corner. We're all in such a hell of a rush to succeed and amount to something, climb in our rank in society. Yet, all it means is growing old. We feel good if someone in our department, e.g. retires, for it puts us up a notch, but also, it puts us one notch more toward our own retirement, a time when people can say of us, "Why doesn't the old fogey quit, he's been dead for years."
As my great grandmother said, "Don't always wish it were tomorrow, or next month. Don't wish your life away, dearie." It doesn't make it later, or make you rise faster, but it's a bad mental attitude, as Geefer says, and, I say, a pointless one to boot.
Most of the arguing people do, most of the points they bring up when they discuss problems isn't arguing at all, at least in so far as they are bringing any logic to bear on the problem. What they are doing is follow certain basic tenets of their faith and apply them more or less logically and faithfully to specific situations. It would save time and money if they were to have printed up a list of their answers to a set of basic problems:
- do you believe in free will - freedom of individual to react of his own volition in a desired way in a given situation;
- do you think "a bad man can write a good book", i.e. connection of personality with ideas a man advocates;
- do you believe a balanced life is necessary, or can one make a full life out of aesthetic side alone;
- is a personal code of ethics and religion enough, or must one follow a standard set for society;
- are you left or right, etc., etc., etc.
This would show why Geefer says she hates Marx (read: "Marxism") because he was so evil, ditto Luther, Calvin, et al, - see #2. Why Mary said today: "It's not my fault, I'm the way I'm made" - see #1; etc. Then, if, as often, a person could see he didn't always follow the same basic belief in each instance, that you hate "new" art, but made fun of old, "worn out chestnuts" of popular music - "why don't they quit playing that old stuff and get some new ones" - as Geefer did the other night - he could see that he really wasn't arguing or rising logic at all. He could reexamine his beliefs, form a clearer philosophy, separate beliefs from emotions, or purely irrational tastes and likes and dislikes, stop using "new", "old", "sweet", "sour", etc. as criterions for judgement in matters of taste, when, as bases for judgement they are mainly special pleading.
One could then say; e.g., "In general, I prefer the ancient and accepted, to the new and untried, the hallowed to the unconsecrated, the romantic and far away, the refined and aristocratic, etc. though I accept modern scientific cleanliness and creature comforts, which I love. I am for the aesthetic life, for personal morality and religion, not a code for the multitudes. I'm far right in politics, though not an absolutist in all that implies."
Geefer might profess this credo, with enlargements and reservations. Just to say it out loud would do her good.
Cartoon via Grand Memories