You may remember a story of Armand's pet rabbit that ate his father's prized black rose. Armand was certain that he was spared a life-threatening thrashing because he was the only child and his father was too old to sire another one.
The real reason may have been that Armand was regarded as more rare than a black rose by his father and he was probably faster than a bullet. Look at the spark of life and energy in Armand's eyes that remained well into his 90's. A photo taken just over a year ago will certify that. I would bet that Armand ran circles around his little dog.
I tried my best to uncover the Armand Formula. What gave him such a passion for life and learning? Was his childhood different, being the only child of an older parent? My line of questioning was usually cut short by the man in his 90's who ran circles around me!
Photo: Courtesy of Tomas Hill.