Armand could give us a short lecture about turning nouns into verbs. If I were to ask him if he's googled himself lately, I imagine he'd say, "Don't force it to serve double duty as a verb!" A printable response, at least.
There are 1,090,000 results to a Google search for "armand singer". I also find that people stumble onto the Where's Armand? blog while innocently searching for a quote or a topic such as anger management. (It's a function of blog editing programs, to let you know where your readers are coming from).
The first few pages of Google search results however, give you an idea of how varied and expansive Armand's interests and talents are. He is passionate about stamp collecting, so he has written and published books on the subject. His fascination with Don Juan has made him a quoted expert. His joy of teaching leads him to his 2007 schedule with the Appalachian Lifelong Learners.
Armand Singer is more than just the spry, world travelling 92 year old friend that I write about. He's always looking up, and if he catches sight of something that turns into a burning need, off he goes. Often to the top, one well defined step at a time.
Maybe one day, Armand will be a verb too, a word that represents an action.