Even as a tortoise draws in its limbs, the wise can draw in their senses at will.
-Bhagavad Gita
Kiyoko the tortoise came to class last week with her owner, Tracey Shoemaker. She stayed in one spot all evening, just observing and probably as happy as everyone else when I turned off the lights for Savasana. So mellow and introspective, she gave me a greater appreciation for the Tortoise pose, Kurmasana .
The next morning when I told the 7am class about Kiyoko, Bryce Groark
shared the story of old Lonesome George, a tortoise in the Galapagos that Bryce has filmed. George is the last of his species and has refused to mate outside of his "line". So far, George is truly exhibiting the qualities of Kurmasana with "equanimity whether in sorrow or in joy." Just like Kiyoko.
In need of a feel-good-boost? Watch and listen to Manuel De Los Santos (You Tube 03:48). That's all I'll say about this.
Just in case you haven't seen any film footage of the latest volcanic activity, Hawaii Volcanoes National Park has a 6 minute video of the Napau fissure eruption taken yesterday. So that's why the vog's so thick.
Anyone from out of town planning on attending Jehangir Palkhivala's workshop April 8 - 11? Christine Carlson has a little rental unit (sleeps 2-4) up in Kaloko and she's generously offering a 20% discount off the regular $100/night rate as a special during that time. Photos and full information is available here. Also available, a 360 degree video of the unit done by Chris' son Anders.