In 2007, I participated in the Twelve Nights of Christmas as created by Lynn Jericho, from December 25 to January 5. Lynn presented a new theme each day and we were to spend twelve minutes nightly, on each topic.
Inner Christmas is a nightly practice of inner work. I recommend "twelve minutes" of practice each night. Because twelve is the number of completion, "twelve minutes" is however many minutes of contemplative inner work it takes for you to find a new insight or relationship to yourself. You will know you have reached this completion when you feel an inner "aha" or an inner bell starts to chime in your soul. It may come quickly some evenings. Or it may take longer in clock measured minutes.
Remember wonder and wisdom live in questions, not answers. When an answer comes into your thoughts work with it until it transforms into a new question. Do not be surprised to find the cosmic bell ringing in your soul when you find your own questions.
The "twelve minutes" can also be spiritually measured as the time it takes for new light to dawn in your soul, illuminating some new aspect of your life. You begin the practice in the darkness of soul night and end it with the dawning of a new soul day. It is a joy to experience the inner Sun rising in your soul.
In our busy, chaotic lives it is often difficult to devote any time to the stillness of inner work. If all you can manage is the time it takes to read the Twelve Holy Nights' messages, be glad. The spiritual world does not work within the earthly measurements of time and can provide your soul with great renewal in a moment. Read the message with your seeking heart - the love of the spiritual world will meet you. You may find earthly time expands through this openness.
This year, I decided to do the same but utilizing the images created by Penelope Clement, a frequent Kona Yoga attendee, and asked this past Saturday's Yoga for Women class to select the cards/topics. I chose the order that they'll be presented and Penny has graciously sent a brief comment for each card. Each day, beginning Christmas Night and ending on January 5, I'll post a picture of the chosen card along with comments, insights and suggestions. If you'd like to, here are ways to participate:
- Log on to to read the day's post.
- Send me an e-mail address that you'd like to have each day's post delivered to (December 25-January 5 only).
- Share your thoughts and opinions through the Comments section.
Image The High Priestess by Penelope Clement: "Direct connection to the divine through intuition. The sacred feminine principle. What is your intuition telling you today?" Oil & acrylic, 3'X4'.