The Abraham-Hicks quote continues:
You could have ninety-nine things not working in your life and only one thing working, and if you would focus upon the one thing that is going right, for a disproportionate amount of time, saying "my life works; my life works; my life works..." the other 99 things would fall in line with what is working.
A crucial component is the way you feel as you speak those words, "my life works". If you're just spouting the words and still feeling angry or fearful, you won't register very high, if at all, on the Richter Scale of Happiness & Well-Being. It takes practice. You saw that coming, didn't you? Practice.
When we are new to yoga, we often have to be reminded to breathe. As our practice expands, we learn to allow our breath to become the thread that weaves through our physical movements. Then, through further practice, we are able to think of something that brings us joy as we inhale into each of the postures.
At that level of practice, every yoga class is a joy to us. The teacher, style, location or size of the class matters not. Our personal practice time becomes something to look forward to, not just an item to be checked off a list. We are able to extract joy simply through the act of inhaling.
If you have not yet experienced yoga or that aspect of it, you could begin by changing your focus. Start looking for things to appreciate that are right under your nose...even if it's just a mirror that fogs up because you're breathing.
The last part of the Abraham-Hicks article continues to say:
So when we say to count your blessings or look at the positive aspects, that's just about deliberately activating what is working in your life. Because when you do that, you get more and more, and more of that. That's how the better it gets, the better it gets - the better it gets. That's when it's easy to accept that Well-Being is the order of this Universe.
Reference: "My Life Works", March 22, 2003.