Avoid foods that are pretending to be something they are not. -Michael Pollan
I'm reheating my food blog, Ono Bee. While maintaining the Eat Local theme, I'm also encouraged by Michael Pollan's book Food Rules and artist Terry Border (creator of the scene above) to keep it simple and fun.
There's so much news and information streaming toward us on a daily basis, often conflicting what was said the month before, that most people give up trying to understand it all. What Pollan did was seek out answers to the simple question, "What should I eat?" and came up with sixty-four simple rules which could be even further reduced to seven words: Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.
I know, it sounds like marching orders for a little rabbit. That's why, the other thing I plan to do with Ono Bee is to find good tasting, healthy foods to make at home or restaurants that serve the same. It's bound to be good for all of us.
Please stay tuned to www.OnoBee.com. In the meantime, a few more food rules:
"It's better to pay the grocer than the doctor".
"If you are not hungry enough to eat an apple, then you are not hungry."
"Don't eat anything you aren't willing to kill yourself."
and more...
Photo: Food Art by Terry Border via GPL Teens