John Leebold sent this picture of himself seated next to Guruji, a couple of months ago and I was reminded of it while reading The Lion of Pune, Rumi and I this morning. I've heard many stories about B.K.S. Iyengar from his students, who became my teachers and it's so inspiring to hear that he still maintains a strong practice, well into his 90s.
Now doesn't that make you want to expand your yoga knowledge and experience? There are some highly qualified teachers about to hold workshops in Hawaii that you might like to consider:
- Steve Salkin at Big Island Yoga Center, February 10. (Update 2/8/13, 7:48 p.m. I just called to check and there's still space available for Sunday).
- Aadil Palkhivala at Big Island Yoga Center, February 22 to 25.
- Kofi Busia at East Honolulu Yoga Center, March 13 to 17.
- Jehangir Palkhivala at East Honolulu Yoga Center, April 11 to 14.
Image: Courtesy of John Leebold