Whatever with the past has gone, the best is always yet to come.
-Lucy Larcom
I scored another birthday a few Sundays ago and I'd have to call it the best one yet. The songs and happy wishes began at midnight and continued all day so I decided to end the day by making some very special wishes as I blew out the cake-less candles. At this point in my life, many things that I lightly considered "nice to have", have been gift wrapped and presented to me in such profusion that I wondered what effect a ritual, huff-and-puff-and-blow birthday wish would have.
I brought all the candle holders I have into my living room and lit them, as you see in the photo. One candle held the wish for each person who has ever come into contact with Kona Yoga: may you find the most ideal replacement to suit your needs. It would be nice if everyone held the space open for a new yoga teacher or studio and found their next, best thing. That was my wish. That is my wish and I would love to hear from you when you settle in with a new teacher, a new class, and a new perspective. Namaste.