Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.
-Winston Churchill
Those of you who have been attending classes this past month, already know that I've decided to close Kona Yoga at the end of August. While it may come as a surprise to some of you, it's been in the back of my mind for a long time.
The lease contract for the studio ended in November and it's been on a month-to-month basis ever since. The intention to close has been there for several years, the final decision, arrived a few months ago.
In a 2008 newsletter article, I wrote:
The more that I'm willing to accept and allow into my life and the wider I open my arms...the more life rushes in to fill the space.
Teaching weekly yoga classes for the past nine years, in one special spot, allowed me to define, and then refine, a joy-filled existence. The open-heart-centered yoga that I practiced and taught, has permeated my life and I now feel the need for more space and expression. It's time for the next best step.
But it's not time for "goodbyes", yet. Wouldn't it be nice to celebrate what yoga has brought into our lives during the next eight weeks and to create ways to keep allowing those gifts to flow?
Photo: Om and Mo, are faces on the studio floor that have been with me through every class.