The taste and smell were so lusciously enjoyable that it made up for the embarrassment I felt in sharing my "revelation". My teacher, in all his loving compassion, suggested that my experience might have had something to do with cravings or my feelings associated with cravings. After a few questions, he offered that my sense of amusement and joy indicated a release.
That occurred in 2006 and now when I think of turkey, stuffing and gravy I associate it more with the sounds and feelings of Thanksgiving. Pots and pans clanging, the oven door opening and closing, "watch out, it's hot", "here, taste this", "look who's here!", "mmmm, that looks good" are all sound bites that replay. I don't crave the food, although I can smell and taste it.
I pressed some wheatgrass for my daughter-in- law yesterday and she loved it, saying that it reminded her of rolling in the grass! Pleasing connections. That's what we all need. Not just with food but with everything that moves us forward.
If we want pleasant memories, what we do now is vital. In my yoga practice, I try to make each breath and its coordinating movement bring me joy and pleasure. I want my body to name each pose Happy. One day, I want joy to be my natural response when I inhale, but for now, I think of turkey, stuffing and gravy.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Week!
Illustration: Julie Paschkis