Now that I feel semi-coherent with this blog, I feel a need for some order. Order in the form of say, a single topic for each day of the week.
It might help to create a daily post based on a subject that I have a week to think about ("slow and steady wins the race") rather than to post when I get hit by a blast of inspiration.
I'm going to try this out for a few weeks:
- Mondays. I'll continue to publish the main article from my weekly newsletter. If you're not currently receiving it you may sign up through this link.
- Tuesdays. On The Mat will include my thoughts and epiphanies as I go through my own yoga practice along with observations and notes from the workshops that I have attended.
- Wednesdays. Subject:KONA. I've lived here for over 50 years and I can't imagine calling any other place "home". I love the present-day Kona as well as the old, so this won't be a rant but a sharing of the people, places and things that I love in and about Kona.
- Thursdays. Subject: YOGA. If my posts on Tuesdays Will be written from my perspective as a student of yoga, Thursdays will offer my ideas as an instructor.
- Fridays. Random Order. Whatever appears on my radar screen, just so I won't feel boxed in by my self-prescribed sense of order.
- Saturdays. My day of gratitude will include a photo or scan of something that I truly appreciate.
- Sundays. Blackout Day. That's when I'm writing the newsletter for the next week.
Photo: Sami